Sunday, August 22, 2010

K Stew- I love you

Seriously. Saw an article today in Us Weekly while at Sprawlmart. Didn't get a chance to read it but as always it brought on my need for a Kristen Stewart fix. I told my husband that she would be my exception. You know? The one person you can cheat w and your spouse can't get upset. However, she's a chick which means I don't need an exception for her because my husband should be psyched. But not him. Freaking prude. He says, "It's still cheating. " What Guy says that?!

Anyway. My original point was from the magazine. Well, the online version. So I'm following links about my gf and I come across this one about "creative hairstyles"

It wasn't even the article I cared about. It was the dumbass comments that followed. Idiots.

I don't care how you do your hair or makeup, what you wear, or who you date. I think you are a unique person with a good head on your shoulders. You are not a vapid, talentless, porn-star wannabe like so many other "celebrities." I dig your movies and your sense of style. You make me wish I was 19/20 again (ok, not really) but you have the whole world open to you. Good luck with it all.

As for me, it's Sunday and I'm having a fun filled family day. Actually, I'm typing while my husband and daughter nap and my son climbs all over me requesting Dragon Tails (God I hate that show.) At least I can think back to the times when I was crazy and wild, did lots of partying and drinking, and studying somewhere in between. I used to have money all for me and I didn't just go on vacation, I backpacked through Europe. Ah, youth. Enough depressing reminiscing. I'm going to apply for more jobs today so I can be a part of the "real world."

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