Sunday, August 22, 2010

K Stew- I love you

Seriously. Saw an article today in Us Weekly while at Sprawlmart. Didn't get a chance to read it but as always it brought on my need for a Kristen Stewart fix. I told my husband that she would be my exception. You know? The one person you can cheat w and your spouse can't get upset. However, she's a chick which means I don't need an exception for her because my husband should be psyched. But not him. Freaking prude. He says, "It's still cheating. " What Guy says that?!

Anyway. My original point was from the magazine. Well, the online version. So I'm following links about my gf and I come across this one about "creative hairstyles"

It wasn't even the article I cared about. It was the dumbass comments that followed. Idiots.

I don't care how you do your hair or makeup, what you wear, or who you date. I think you are a unique person with a good head on your shoulders. You are not a vapid, talentless, porn-star wannabe like so many other "celebrities." I dig your movies and your sense of style. You make me wish I was 19/20 again (ok, not really) but you have the whole world open to you. Good luck with it all.

As for me, it's Sunday and I'm having a fun filled family day. Actually, I'm typing while my husband and daughter nap and my son climbs all over me requesting Dragon Tails (God I hate that show.) At least I can think back to the times when I was crazy and wild, did lots of partying and drinking, and studying somewhere in between. I used to have money all for me and I didn't just go on vacation, I backpacked through Europe. Ah, youth. Enough depressing reminiscing. I'm going to apply for more jobs today so I can be a part of the "real world."

Monday, August 9, 2010

How the hell?

So who knew all this blogger shit was so complicated? This is going to have to be one of those things I work on while the kids sleep.  Nothing better then when they nap at the same time!

Quiet day here.  Well, except for me.  Screaming that is.  Lots of time outs today, yay for Daddy coming home.  Even better? The boys are currently upstairs while I get some "me time." HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!  Me time?! Right now I'm holding a baby while I type one-handed.  BUT, she's sleeping, so I think that counts.  At some point after the kids go to bed I have to run to the grocery store.  Yeah, more "me time."  Point being that I will take the time to figure this shit out so its better to look at at least. 

Am I really doing this?

The thing that finally hooked me was flipping through the channels tonight.  It was one of those entertainment celebrity shows that at first glance makes you think its a real news show. The hosts were discussing a new video by Eminem ft. Rihanna (Love the Way You Lie.)  Apparently it's a big deal because the song is about domestic violence between couples (as in, both partners use sex and violence against each other) in a very intense, often dangerous, and mostly unhealthy relationship.  So, with all that said, really, what's the big deal?  The fact is relationships like this exist all the time all over the place between young and old couples.  I'm not here to say whether it's wrong or right (although, it's still unhealthy).  Some people thrive on the drama and intensity.  My point is, it's not as "out there" as these hosts would have one believe.  It's not like Eminem is the only person who has experienced this and that's why he wrote the song.  

Again, I don't really even care for him.  That's not the point.  My point is that for this show to put up a poll with a title of something like, "Was Rihanna Totally Out of Line?" is just silly.  Really?  This is what people hop on line or on the phone to vote on?  I guess so.  Here I am talking about it.  

Ok, so back to me actually doing a blog.  Well, I continued to tell my husband how stupid they were because really, who the hell wants to hear what I have to babble about?  My guess is no one.  My guess is that this will go unread.  But, at least it's a place for me to put my ridiculous thoughts that no one else wants to hear about.  

Baby girl is crying, but real quick, here's the things you can look forward to me talking about:
Twilight and my new found obsession with Kristen Stewart
My idiot husband (who I love, but he's still an idiot)
My life as a housewife (exciting right?)
My favorite stories on and The Writer's Coffee Shop
And my new found (or newly remembered) passion for all things that don't revolve around doing dishes, changing poopy diapers, and watching Train Thomas (aka Thomas the Train).